

When I say that 50% plus of my day is dealing with parasites that my testing methods find on patients, I am not exaggerating. I would say that parasites show on 100% of my patient population at some point in their treatment journey, it’s just a matter of when and what layer they are on that specific patient. My point is they are extremely common so I am glad you guys had interest in this topic. Also, when most people hear the word parasites their minds immediately go to something like the TV show Monsters Inside Me where people are dealing with intense cases that don’t represent the norm. So this blog should clear that up for you.


So what are parasites? Well you can think of them as a bug that is similar to bacteria. They have many different types like tapeworms, pinworms, roundworms, nematodes, and flukes. When they get in the body, they can do a lot of damage to our system. Most times people associate them with only being in the digestive tracts of people, which is true most of the time, but they can really reside in any cavity of the body. And these little critters can literally cause any symptom you can think of. The most common symptoms people get with parasites are digestive gas and bloating, TEETH GRINDING, ITCHY BUTT, GENITALS AND NOSE, SEIZURES, anxiety, depression, stomach pain that feels like it grabs you and then lets go like a cramp, sleep issues, physical pain like fibromyalgia but can be to a lesser degree like low back pain, skin rashes, allergies, headaches, wetting the bed, nausea, anemia, inability to gain weight and dark circles under the eyes with pale skin to name a few.



Where do they come from? Well, technically these bugs can even be transmitted in utero from mother to fetus which is why I stress to do a gut cleanse before trying to conceive (it’ll also help your chances of getting pregnant by doing so). And if you are lucky enough to not get parasites from your mother, there are plenty of other places you can pick them up. Food is a big one, especially where I am at in southern California because people love their sushi. Raw fish is the number one food source of parasites that I personally see in practice. Whenever I suspect parasites are causing the issues at hand, my first question is how much do you love sushi? And my second question is how many animals do you have in your home either now or at any point in your life really because animals are the second most common source of parasites that I see. They lick everything from you to the dirt around the neighborhood to themselves. This is how their saliva when they lick you or lay in your bed at night can affect you. How do I know that? It’s because I will have patients bring in a saliva sample of their animals from home and muscle test them on it to see if they are having an issue adapting to the sample and the weakness is usually negated by an antimicrobial herb telling me that the microbes (parasites) in the saliva are causing the patients issues. See why I love muscle testing?

Beyond those two sources, traveling abroad to other countries with different water sources is a close third (but make sure that your shower and drinking water in your own home is filtered with legit filters as well…I like AquaTru and Aquasana). This is why whenever you go to Mexico and you or someone you know gets a case of Montezuma’s revenge or traveler’s diarrhea (diarrhea and or puking), it really comes from a parasite and or bacteria. According to my testing, when patients have come in with acute episodes it usually tests as a parasite exposure. Beyond those sources, you can really get parasites anywhere you can get bacteria from. Public swimming pools are a great place to pick up parasites with the CDC estimating 1 in 12 public pools having contamination….gotta love a big gulp of that public pool water YUMMM a nice gulp of chlorine with a side of parasites, just what the doctor ordered! A lesser-known source of parasites are actually from vectors like ticks and mosquitos. Malaria is actually a parasitic infection from mosquitos, but you don’t need to contract malaria to get a parasite from a mosquito. In my experience, Lyme from ticks (it can also come from mosquitos and vectors like that) behaves very much like a parasite more than a bacterium. And the last most common sources would be under cooked food/unclean food sources and your SPOUSE or PARTNER. Sometimes the reasons for chronic parasite and other pathogen cases are from re-exposure from whomever you have sexual activity with. That’s always a fun conversation to have with patients but it stresses why it is so important for the entire family to get treated



Okay so you have parasites, now what do you do? Well if it a life threatening then obviously go get an anti-parasitic drug from your GP and seek immediate medical attention. If it is not life threatening, than I prefer nature’s drugs known as herbs. I have my two favorite nutritional companies listed in the store on this website so you can find what I am about to recommend. For a more gentle approach to helping the body adapt to parasites I recommend Vervita Klenz, which is high in Oregano, along with the Sore to Soar oil. For someone who is a petite person, switch from Klenz to Kalmz as it is gentler. Take a serving size per day of those pills. For the oil, you can actually ingest it orally on top of using it however you usually use your essential oils. My favorite way is to do a minimum of 1 drop orally per day and soak your feet in a warm foot bath with a cup or 2 of Epsom salt with about 20 drops of oil. If you prefer baths then you can do a full body bath instead.

For a more aggressive approach which is often needed in chronic cases, I use Supreme Nutrition herbs. They are hands down my favorite herbs on the market. The three herbs from them I recommend for this particular subject are Mimosa Supreme, Melia Supreme and Vidanga Supreme. I recommend following the dosage instructions on the bottles. A great rule of thumb is for every 50 pounds of body weight correlates to 1 pill when the serving size is 1 pill. So for example if you weigh 200 pounds, that would equate to 1 pill 4 times daily. If you weigh 50 pounds, that would be 1 pill per day.

On top of the herbs and oil above, eating clean is essential. Parasites feast on sugar mostly but in some cases it takes the patient going on a low fat diet until over the issue. We need those good fats to feed our hearts and brain so be sure to return to a diet high in good fats when you are done going after the parasite. This is also why I always stress it is important to identify your food sensitivities because every time you consume them your immune system promotes inflammation and destruction in the body which helps the parasite evade your immune system and thrive.

So I don’t think I have parasites but how can I prevent them in the first place? By far the number one thing that will prevent parasites is ADEQUATE STOMACH ACID. Your stomach acid is your first defense against any pathogen like a parasite. Unfortunately stomach acid is so commonly low in people, it should be considered a pandemic. First, there are three things that help your body make adequate stomach acid, which is also called hydrochloric acid. The three things are salt, vitamin B1 (thiamin) and zinc. This and the ability to hydrate the body are why your daily salt intake is crucial for wellness. I personally like pink Himalayan salt which is not pre-ground because they often times put sugar in it if it is pre-ground. B vitamins are the most depleted vitamins in humans because they are water-soluble which means that you will pee them all out over time and our food doesn’t supply enough B’s for us so you need to supplement it. The number one food/drink that depletes your B vitamins is alcohol…..yeah now it makes sense to you why the US population is so depleted in them. And Zinc is also critically low in the population, which makes it a top 3 mineral deficiency in the US. People hear about Zinc these days due to COVID stuff but its been important since the beginning of time with its contribution to the production of stomach acid being at the top of the list in my opinion. Now the supplements I use to introduce B1 and zinc are Vervita Inspiracell and or Vervita Immune Rmor. These along with salt will supply what you need.

Moving along on stomach acid, a few other things lower it that we need to cover. One is CHRONIC STRESS. As stress goes up so does your stress hormone called cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels deplete stomach acid! So stress reduction is crucial. One way to do it at home is to use essential oils because they work directly on the stress centers of the brain. The best oil to cover all your bases is Vervita Elite Harmony. It is a strong blend that balances the whole body. And if you’re feeling lots of overwhelm in life, I would add immune harmony oil to the mixture. For stress, I have my patients do foot baths or full body baths with the oils and Epsom salt. I am positive that stress will be a future blog so I will save more info for when that time comes.

Another reason for low stomach acid is we are a population that has come to use antacids for any type of heartburn. This is literally shutting down our stomach acid when in reality 99.9% of acid reflux/heartburn is from too little acid in the stomach that the food is not being digested and the fumes are coming up the esophagus. So you’re making the problem worse. Two other drugs that lower stomach acid are antihistamines and antibiotics. Antihistamine drugs for allergies shuts down H2 histamine receptors which are responsible for stopping histamines reactions BUT those same receptors produce acid in the stomach thus shutting them down too…oops. This blog about parasites is making me realize how much content I need to write about to educate the public on how much of the common medical treatments create our issues. Lastly, antibiotics create low stomach acid by killing off our good bacteria in our digestive tracts. This allows an overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungus. This in turn shuts down our stomach acid even further because the bad bugs want their brothers, sisters and cousins to come into your gut to join the party so they force your stomach to secrete less acid. These bugs are smart and know how to keep you infected and themselves happy.

The last two reasons for low stomach acid are more genetic related. The first one is as we age, we lose our ability to secrete stomach acid naturally (That’s why so many old people get heart burn). This pattern also happens to our glutathione levels, which I will save for another blog. And the other reason is people who are blood type A genetically have less stomach acid (I am one of those people). For those two types of people, I recommend a good digestive enzyme to help the body assimilate nutrients. It will also help fight off any parasites or bacteria from food sources (This is why my wife and I take a BUNCH of digestive enzymes when we eat sushi or travel abroad). The best digestive enzyme on the market is Vervita Gastrodigest II. I have tested dozens and it consistently outperforms everything else. So I recommend if you are aging to take Gastrodigest II with every meal, also if you are about to enjoy a great sushi dinner or are traveling abroad.


CLINICAL PEARLS: Parasites become active around the full moon cycles due to serotonin levels increasing, this many times is when symptoms will present themselves or existing symptoms will worsen. That’s why people say people act weird around full moons. The people who act up or weird around the full moon are the people riddled with parasites. All my teacher patients know exactly which kids are the parasites kids based off of their behavior in the classroom around the monthly full moon. I had one patient come in and say she gets cramping abdominal pain monthly that sends her to the hospital. I told them to look up the full moon phases when they had documented trips to the ER. All of them were on 80% full or more moons. That information changed her life.

Symptoms present as add/adhd, seizures, anxiety, teeth grinding, trouble gaining weight with dark circles under the eyes with pale skin, digestive issues, skin rashes, allergies, itchy butt, genitals and nose (they will constantly itch those areas). But remember, anything can be related to parasites these are just the most common.

You need to check parasites in any autoimmune condition. This is because parasites drive your immune system into a certain direction that escalates the immune pathway associated with all autoimmune tissue inflammation.

Parasites eat all the good bacteria in your gut leading to chronic fungus overgrowth. This is why it is crucial that you use products that kill all types of infection, not just specific infections. The products I listed above are broad spectrum and go after all types of infections so that you are not left with this issue.

Stool samples will miss 99% of parasites. They will catch them better if you do a 3-day catch but this still misses most. This is where muscle testing is crucial because it will pick up trace amounts of things in the body which blood and stool tests will miss. Blood tests need 40% dysfunction to pick up an issue…muscle testing needs 3-5% dysfunction. This is also why muscle testing helps you prevent stuff from ever manifesting since it picks things up before any symptoms can arise. Remember, the worse the symptom the louder the body is crying for help for an issue that went undiagnosed with faulty lab testing or that you thought would just go away over time.

Lastly, one of the biggest reasons I think getting rid of parasites is crucial in achieving health and wellness is because they generate electricity or as we call them electromagnetic frequencies. See the problem with that is we are made up of mostly water and water conducts electricity. Also, every system in our body works off of voltage and electricity. The two places in the body that use it more than anywhere else are our heart and our brain. How many people do you know that have had heart issues like beat irregularities all the way to congestive heart failure? This is also why it is imperative to check for parasites in any seizure case. The parasites can cause a short circuit if you will in the brain leading to seizures in many cases. Anything that has the ability to change your electrical impulses in your body has the ability to make you VERY SICK (you all know EMF and 5g will be a blog at some point).


So in conclusion, parasites are pathogens that can cause many health issues in our bodies. They are extremely common and do a great job of evading modern medicine testing. Hopefully this blog landed for you and did a decent job of educating you on some of the common themes of parasites because they need to be addressed if you want to get well and stay well. In fact, I recommend doing a parasite/pathogen cleanse every season change to achieve this. Many cultures around the world do this because they value their health unlike typical Americans do. The saying is don’t wait till your thirsty to dig a well, it is a lot easier to stay well than it is to get well. The best way to do this is through herbs, eating clean during these periods (although you should always eat clean!), and filtering your drinking and shower water through a company like AquaTru or Aquasana since water is a very common exposure to parasites. Also, make sure if you get any symptoms of any kind to check the full moon cycles to see if parasites are a possible contributor (however you can still have parasites and not get elevated symptoms around the full moon). Remember, ridding parasites might not fix all of your problems but I can guarantee you that it is impossible to get well if they are in your system. Welcome to the whacky world of parasites.


This is the way,

            Dr. Charlie


Food Sensitivities


Muscle Testing