Muscle Testing

Muscle testing….man what else can I say. Besides the birth of my daughter and my relationship with my wife that started when I was only 13 years old, I don’t know of anything that has changed my life more deeply. Muscle testing changed my whole world and how I viewed so much of it. Now you can ask many different doctors about muscle testing and chances are, most will give you a different perception of it. Some will say it is exclusively neurological with no energy components while others will say it is extremely energetic and frequency based. In my experience it is both at the same time. Everything in the world is based on frequency whether one acknowledges that or not and our nervous system is no exception to that rule. One of my favorite quotes about the nervous system is from a good friend and teacher, Dr. George Gonzalez, D.C., founder of Quantum Neurology. He says that “a rainbow is a holographic projection of light through water and life is a holographic projection of light through our nervous system”. So if there was ever a tool that could assess our neurological function, it would also serve to assess a holographic projection of light which is frequency at its finest. That tool is muscle testing.

Now in this blog, I will go over both perceptions of the muscle test and how I personally use it. I told you that this blog will be very honest and all from my personal experience with this topic being a perfect example of that. Some people are going to think I’m off my rocker when I tell you all the ways I use muscle testing and that’s okay, I’m used to being told what I do is strange LOL. I have heard some hilarious descriptions of what I do over the years especially from people who were referred in to see me. People have come in and said they heard what I do is voodoo, witch doctor work and Jedi-like (I enjoy that last one). But one thing they all say is that they were told that I’m the doctor to see when all else fails and they have already been everywhere. I can live with that. So anyways, let’s talk about the process of muscle testing and what it looks like first before we get into the neurological and frequency aspects of it.

The picture of this blog shows me muscle testing a fellow doctor while I was teaching a seminar. She has her arm raised and is resisting my pressure. We are using her arm to check if her shoulder muscle locks or weakens to my pressure. If it locks, her nervous system is telling us that she is adaptable to whatever stress we are testing with my other hand. If her arm weakens, it is interpreted that her nervous system is not adaptable to that stress. That in a nutshell is exactly what muscle testing is. It is testing if the body is able to adapt or not. And that ladies and gentlemen, is where muscle testing shines because PEOPLE THAT CAN ADAPT NEUROLOGICALLY TO STRESSES OF LIFE DO WELL AND THOSE WHO DON’T STAY SICK! The whole theme of the medicine I practice is making people adaptable to our surroundings. And the two biggest stresses that we need to adapt to are toxins in our environment and the emotional stressors in our lives. Now following this logic further, we can use muscle testing to check structural adaptability, chemical adaptability and emotional adaptability. For example, if you have low back pain, how valuable would a tool be to tell you if the cause of that issue is structural-based like a pulled muscle or strained ligament, chemical-based like inflammation from a food sensitivity you have been consuming or emotional-based like money issues you are having. It would be invaluable, right?! That is why if you have every heard me speak, I constantly reiterate that muscle testing is THE GREATEST MEDICINAL TOOL ON THE PLANET. I believe every doctor should be using it, even if you are a full-blown western medicine practitioner. It takes away the guess work and make the person being tested a biochemical individual which is what is missing in modern western medicine. That system treats people as statistics and compares you to all the other people in the world. The issue with that is that no two people are identical and they require specific individualized approaches. Even identical twins need to be treated different than one another. My favorite quote (shocker another quote) about muscle testing comes from Dr. George Goodheart himself, the founder of Applied Kinesiology that introduced functional muscle testing to the world. He says “The ability to use the body as a means of laboratory analysis is unparalled in modern therapeutics because the response of the body is UNERRING”. That gives me the goose bumps.

So what is the mechanism behind muscle testing? Well the way we use muscle testing is based on quantum physics, which gets very complicated so the following analogy I think does a decent job in explaining how it works more simply. In the world of photography there are things known as object beams and reference beams and those apply in the neurology of the muscle test. See the brain has a perfect 3D image of everywhere in the body at any given time which we call the reference beam and any stimulus introduced into or onto the body is called the object beam. If the object beam and reference beam don’t match up, the brain changes the tone of the muscle being tested. This can be the patient touching an area of low back pain (the object beam) and if it does not match the perfect reference beam from the brain, the brain provides us with a weak muscle to tell us something is wrong in this low back area. The doctor can then use their clinical skills to figure out what is causing that. Another example is introducing a food to the body and seeing if the brain tells us if the immune system can tolerate that food or if it generates an inflammatory response to the body. This would manifest as a strong muscle weakening if the food caused a negative inflammatory effect on the body.  From here we can also see what strengthens that response like a supplement or working on an acupuncture point. The correct remedy will allow the muscle to return to full strength that you all now know means the body is now ADAPTABLE to the stressor that weakened their muscle and ultimately their nervous system. 

Genius, right? I really don’t know how doctors practice without such a priceless tool. This is why so many people finally find the answer to their issues when they see a quality doctor who uses muscle testing. So from that neurological perspective, muscle testing serves as a tool that provides instant feedback of neurological adaptability in the patient and allows the doctor to have a conversation with the patient’s body. This conversation changes people’s lives.

Now let’s talk about the frequency aspect of muscle testing. This is where some people think it’s to out there for them but follow me for a second. The first energy technique I ever took, known as Total Body Modification (TBM), was the first technique that changed my whole perspective on energy and frequency. On one of the first pages of the manual, it says in bold font GET YOUR LOGICAL MIND OUT OF THE WAY. I decided to give it a shot and am thankful that I did. This gave me the opportunity to evaluate so much of the human body that it changed how I viewed the practice of medicine. 

In this technique, we were muscle testing reflex points on the body (similar to acupuncture points), which correlated to specific organs (see diagram at end of blog). And this was just the tip of the iceberg. Not only was muscle testing giving us the ability to evaluate internal tissues like organs but the technique also had specific corrections for each point tested. For example, the doctor would touch a reflex point for say the liver. If this contact made a muscle test weak then we would apply a certain therapeutic correction that would restore strength to the muscle that previously weakened when touching the liver. The effects of the correction were happening immediately. This in essence would tell us that the frequency of the liver was changing for the better and becoming more adaptable to life’s stresses with our corrections. This concept also took out the guesswork when we had to find what organ was the main factor in something like digestive issues or migraines. I can’t stress the value of that enough when treating patients with chronic issues that standard medical procedures completely miss bringing you down the rabbit hole.

I thought it was crazy at first but then as the seminar went on and we were treating each other, I started to feel that euphoric sensation that I had experienced with the first treatment I ever received. There was something to it. So I decided to get my logical mind out of the way and dove in headfirst. I started to realize that what was happening was quantum physics (frequency) at the neurological level. Hence why I say muscle testing is both neurological and frequency based. In order for a muscle test to change from weak to strong in a split second means that it is happening on the quantum level. The muscle hasn’t undergone strength training or physical therapy in that time frame so Newtonian physics can’t explain the phenomenon.

Next, have you ever heard of Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla? They have talked about everything in the world being frequency forever ago. Einstein even said that the future of medicine is frequency medicine. This leads me to the technique that revolutionized the way I treat. The technique is called Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA), which is a frequency medicine technique. The founder of the technique, Dr. Dick Versendaal, created a numerical scale that can test the frequency of literally anything. The scale counts by 10’s and goes up to 90. This is why if you are a patient of mine you hear me saying numbers all the time. I muscle test every patient every visit to see what frequency/number their body is in and it gives me a ridiculous amount of information about them in a matter of seconds. An example would be if the patient’s arm muscle weakens when I say the number 30, it indicates that the patient is living in toxicity of some sort that is compromising their gut, bladder and kidneys while simultaneously living in an emotionally overwhelmed state and paralyzed in some fashion of life. The amount of times I have had people amazed that I described their life story in the first 30 seconds of their visit never gets old. But wait, did you just say the arm muscle will weaken when you say words? Yep, are words not frequency? Don’t words hold energy? If somebody is rude and making fun of you, don’t you think your physiology and nervous system reacts different than if somebody is praising you? We can utilize this same concept to have a dialogue with the body. The body knows more about itself than the doctor thinks they know and this is also exactly how the emotional work that I do works (I will save that topic of emotional work for a separate blog). See when you are muscle testing someone, you are in a closed energetic circuit and our nervous systems are communicating with each other. This is how things like saying an emotion or a number on an energetic scale can change muscle tone. Because the nervous system responds to all types of frequencies. The body is all knowing, almost like a consciousness if you will. The perfect analogy is the body is like a garage door. If the doctor has the right keypad code, the body lets them walk right in. It doesn’t get anymore energetic than that.

Lastly, get your logical mind out of the way and I’ll take it a step further. I even use this Contact Reflex Analysis scoring system to make decisions in my life. I accomplish this with something known as self-testing. I use my fingers’ muscle tone to score out the frequency of things like groceries, personal care products, and even food to order at restaurants to see what would react best with my body. Remember, I am all in on this muscle-testing world and use it as often as I can. I don’t expect my patients to do the same but I can’t deny the incredible information it has provided me. Now you can’t just go to somewhere like Vegas and muscle test everything to win a bunch of money, there are too many variables in a process like that. I use muscle testing when I am testing absolutes. Those organic groceries aren’t rapidly changing like a black jack table. See what I mean?

So to recap, muscle testing is a tool that when used properly can assess precise and crucial information about the patient’s body. When used, we are assessing how the patient’s nervous system adapts/reacts to frequency stimuli of structural, chemical and emotional origins. Clinically, the goal is to find all the correct therapies that re-establish the muscle tone, which is the best indicator of neurological function, to any muscle showing trouble adapting to the stimuli in question. Because when people are adaptable to the human experience, it’s the best chance they have at thriving.

This is the way,

Dr. Charlie 

P.S. I will most likely incorporate some aspect of muscle testing in every blog that I write because that’s what I use all day long to figure out the cause and correct treatment to provide to all of my patients. Happy Friday y’all!  

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Hello from Dr. Charlie